Posts Tagged With: gerbils

A fond farewell



Conducting a service for Noodles the gerbil


After a very hectic week and a very stressful day on Friday, I came home to find one of our gerbils had died. To be honest the day before I did notice he was looking very lethargic and when I tried to feed him, he wasn’t interested. I did wonder when the gerbils would die, as they are nearly 5 years old, and I’ve been told they only live to around 3.

We started off with 3 (brothers) Souja Boy, Noodles & Disco biscuit. They are my daughter’s gerbils, but she stopped handling them a long time ago as they kept on biting her. Souja boy died the previous year, and now there is just Disco biscuit left. I feel sorry that he is all alone, but wouldn’t risk putting a new gerbil in. Continue reading

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